
Sunday, 21 October 2012


The spread of obesity until it has been identified and B. And a national priority. Reasons for this ordeal is
Complex, interrelated, and has fragmented and interests Priorities. Although there are many studies, which often focus on a single,
Or at most a few, its causes and consequences, and because of the complexity of the issues,
Often these are processed independently. Consequently, we
Start a project using modeling techniques and agent-based study
Questions total of obesity in children. It will allow our model
To interact with the children's parents, peers, schools, food, and everything
Develops, and other contributing factors. Primary goals of
Modeling exercise are (1) repetition of historical trends and (2)
Simulating alternative policy interventions. In the case of
Later hope to identify and understand the behavior of emerging and
Critical points. Through these critical factors, and we hope that
Identify policies and behavioral changes that could reverse the increase
Trends in obesity in childhood.

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