
Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Shahid Afridi And Aamir Khan's Hajj The Meeting

Shahid Afridi and Aamir Khan, who arrived in Saudi Arabia to perform the Hajj, met during a meeting in Mecca, on Tuesday.
Junaid former member of vital signs Jamshid was also present in the celebrity occasion.The also talked with Maulana Tariq Jamil, who enlightened them about the virtues of the pilgrimage.
Aamir Khan was left for pilgrimage with his mother, while leaving Afridi evening Saudi Arabia Sunday after playing a match between the Stars XI and Pakistan XI International World.

1 comment:

  1. Do you feel the tugging of the Khaba around the start of Hajj upon your heart?
    If you really believe you will feel it, do you go through some emotional things or physical difference and those of you who did go to Hajj, what is the best thing you found about the experience inshAllah.

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